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Social Events

2024 Lab Holiday Party

lab holiday party attendees

Lab holiday party attendees (starting front left): Grace, Jessica, Aesha, Rhia, Rowan, Alanis, Jake, Kefas.
Back row: Grandpa Joe, Ritam, Vic , Dylan, Beth, Jasper, Chris.

collage of various food from the party

We decided to have a "world food" night, where everyone brought a dish to pass from either their home country or the country their extended family is from. Included in this collage are the Indian, Middle Eastern, Italian, Mexican, Nigerian, Puerto Rican, and American dishes we sampled and enjoyed. Not pictured are the multiple desserts and smoked fish appetizers. Such a fun night!


2024 Breakfast with Lucas

lab mates meeting up for breakfast

Lucas is back in town for the holidays and so we gathered for breakfast. Left to right: Aesha, Rhia, Beth, Ritam, Lucas.


2024 12-13 Celebrating Ifeanyichukwu (Ife) Eke's completion of his PhD.

Ife posing for pictures

Image on the left: Ife posing in his commencement robe.     Image on the right: Ife posing with Vic, our department chair.


group of people celebrating Ife's graduation

Group photo of the various people from the university and surrounding area gathered to celebrate Ife.


2024 4-12 University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF) at Michigan State University

Dylan and Anna with their posters at UURAFDylan and Anna presenting their posters at the 2024 University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum.


2023 8-22 A Day at Berry Lake

past and present lab members at Berry Lake
Front row left to right: Aesha, Rhia, Kate
Back row left to right: Ted, Ritam, Vic


DiRita lab members with Ted's mom at Berry Lake
Left to right: Julie, Ted, Ritam, Rhia, Vic, and Kate.


2023 6-29 Mini Lab Reunion

Lab group

We had a mini reunion since Ted and John came back for a fellow PhD student's defense.
Left to right: Rhia, Beth, John, Ted, Vic, and Ritam.



2023 ASM Microbe Conference
June 15-19, 2023
Houston, Texas

Ritam at his poster at ASM conferenceRitam presenting at ASM

Ritam presenting his work at the ASM Microbe Conference.
Left image: Ritam posing with his poster.
Right image: Rtiam presenting his work during a Rapid Fire session.


Beth with her poster at ASM


Maeve from the Crosson lab at MSU presenting at ASM


Left image: Beth with her poster at the ASM Microbe Conference.
Right image: Maeve from the Crosson lab at Michigan State University presenting at the conference.



2023 Michigan State University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF)
April 14, 2023 at the MSU Breslin Center

Collage of Anna at UURAF
Collage of Anna at UURAF.
Left image: Anna explaining her work to an attendee.
Middle image: Vic and Anna posing at her poster.
Top right image: Anna with her parents (Evelyn and Brian.)
Bottom right image: left to right: Beth, Vic, Anna, Rhia, and Ritam.

Collage of Dylan at UURAF
Collage of Dylan at UURAF.
Top left photo: Vic and Dylan posing at his poster.
Top middle photo: Dylan explaining his work to an attendee.
Bottom left photo: left to right: Rhia, Ritam, Vic, Beth, and Dylan.
Right photo: Dylan with his family (Grandpa Joe and mom Heather.)


2023 Celebrating Ritam and Aesha's first wedding anniversary
at the Graduate Rock Bar in East Lansing

Group at the Graduate Rock Bar
Front row: Aesha, Kate, Rhia;
Middle row: Beth, Ritam;
Back row: Jasper, Vic.

2022 Halloween Tea @ 3

Halloween Tea @ 3 collage- Waters lab went all out!: 
Top left: "Doctor Vader" doing the force choke on his lab to keep them in line;
Bottom left: Some of the food and decorating;
Right: Nkrumah and Kaylee in lab appropriate costumes.

More costumes from the Halloween tea at 3More costumes from our Halloween Tea @ 3



2022 MSU Tailgate
September 24, 2022

2022 MSU tailgate collage

Left: Grill-master Phil doing what he does best!
Right photos: Collage of tailgate attendees enjoying food and comradery.


2022 ASM Microbe Conference
June 9-13, 2022
Washington, D.C.

Some MSU conference attendees



  Some MSU representatives at the ASM Microbe conference.
  Left to right: Beth Ottosen, Kati Ford, Doug Guzior, Brian Hsueh, Jasper Gomez.





Vic and Natalia


Vic visiting with Natalia, 
a previous post-doc from the lab 
who now works at ACS in Washington, D.C.




Opening session at the ASM Microbe conference

Opening session at the ASM Microbe conference.
John Mekalanos of Harvard Medical School was honored with the
American Society for Microbiology Lifetime Achievement Award.

close-up of Beth presenting at ASM






Right image: Beth presenting her work at the ASM Microbe conference. 

Bottom image: Panorama of Beth with her title slide presenting her work
at the ASM Microbe conference. 

panorama of Beth at ASM Microbe


2022 Celebrating Lucas's Ph.D. defense

DiRita lab group with Lucas's family


Front row, left to right: John, Kate, baby Amara, Kay, Adair;
Middle row, left to right: Claudia, Rhia, Beth, Lucas, Jessica;
Back row, left to right: Vic, Jeff, Sarah, Elyse.






Lucas and Vic

Collage of people holding the baby










              Lucas and Vic                                                     Collage with baby Amara.
                                                                                            Left: Uncle Lucas with Amara;
                                                                                            Top right: Kate, holding Amara, with Grandma Kay;
                                                                                            Bottom right: Grandpa Jeff holding Amara.



Microbiology and Molecular Genetics* Retirement Reception
May 19, 2022

MMG faculty honored at the retirement reception



Eight MMG faculty members retiring from MSU posing with the department chair after the retirement ceremony.

* Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (MMG) is now the Department of Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology (MGI).

Left to right: John Fyfe, Patrick Venta, George Garrity, Martha Mulks, Vic DiRita (department chair), Donna Koslowsky, John Merrill, Susan Conrad, and Michael Thomashow

MMG faculty group photo






Honorees and fellow faculty members
chatting during the reception.

Starting from the left: Martha Mulks, Linda Mansfield, John Merrill, Donna Koslowsky, Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan, Sue Conrad, Peggy Petroff (standing), James Tiedje, Vic DiRita, and Rich Lenski







2022 Michigan State University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF)

Dylan and Vic at Dylan's poster

Dylan and Vic posing at Dylan's poster at UURAF.

UURAF collage


Top photo: Dylan explaining his research to an attendee of UURAF. 









Bottom photo: Overview of the poster session held on the floor of the 
Breslin Center on the campus of Michigan State University. 






2022 MMG Undergraduate Research Showcase
Dylan presenting his first research poster

Dylan explaining his research to a showcase attendee

Dylan explaining his research to a showcase attendee.



2021 lab outing: fun at Berry Lake

DiRita lab group at Berry Lake

DiRita lab at Berry Lake
Front row: Kate, Claudia, Beth, Rhia
Back row: Ritam, Lucas, Ted, Vic

fun on the lake collage

Having fun on the lake: pontoon boat ride, kayaking, and paddle boarding. It was a little windy, but everyone enjoyed themselves.
Left photo: Millie, the dog, enjoying a pontoon boat ride.
Top middle photo: Beth paddle boarding.
Bottom middle photo: Ritam kayaking.
Top right photo: Kassie paddle boarding.
Bottom right photo: Claudia paddle boarding.


around the campfire collage

Enjoying drinks and snacks around the campfire.
Top left photo: Ted with Berry Lake in the background.
Bottom left photo: Ted and Beth getting the fire going, while Lucas enjoys a cold beverage and Tum sets up a camp chair in the background.
Middle photo: Lucas savoring a s'more.
Top right photo: Rhia by the lake.
Bottom right photo: Tum and Beth warming up by the fire.


Michigan State University 2021 Commencement

Ted and Vic at commencement

Ted and Vic at MSU commencement. (Photo courtesy of Ted Van Alst.)

Michigan State University Microbiology and Molecular Genetic Ph.D. graduates


2021 MSU MMG Ph.D. graduates and their mentors:
Front row: Alshae’ Logan-Jackson, Nkrumah Grant, Kyle Card, Ted Van Alst, Peggy Petroff, Nhu Nguyen;
Back row: Rob Abramovitch, Rich Lenski, Sean Nguyen, Vic DiRita, Yann Dufour, Josh Franklin.

Photo courtesy of Rob Abramovitch.






2021 celebrating Ted's Ph.D. defense

Ted with lab members and his family

On laptop: JJ
Front row: Kassie, Lizzie, Ted, and Lucas
Middle row: Beth, Rhia, Ritam, and Julie
Back row: Josh, Vic, and Ed


Ted's celebration collage

Collage celebrating Ted
Top left image: Ted with his family- left to right: Kassie, Ed, Ted, Julie, and Lizzie
Bottom left image: Vic and Ted
Bottom middle image: Ted with cake
Right image: left to right: Ed, Ted, Julie, and Vic


2021 DiRita lab get-together post Covid-19 vaccinations

Lab gathering post Covid-19 vaccinations

Now that we all are fully vaccinated, we decided to have a gathering in real life!
Left to right: Vic, Lucas, Ritam, Ted, Rhia, and Beth


2020 DiRita lab reunion via zoom

DiRita lab member zoom reunion


2020 Integrative Pharmacological Sciences Training Program (IPSTP) retreat

Lucas presenting at IPSTP


 Lucas presenting his work at the IPSTP retreat at MSU








DiRita lab holiday party



2019 MSU MMG Departmental Tailgate (hosted by MMG Post-Docs)

2019 Michigan State University departmental tailgate collage

Collage of tailgate attendees enjoying food and comradery. (All 2019 tailgate photos courtesy of Alessandra Hunt.)


2019 lab outing: a day at Berry Lake

Our day at the lake, a lab outing collage

Collage Figure Legend:
Top left: going for a boat ride
Top middle: Ritam kayaking
Top right: Ted, Ritam, Beth, and Lucas
Bottom left: Lucas kayaking
Bottom middle: enjoying the hot tub
Bottom right: Beth paddle boarding 



2019 American Society for Microbiology conference collage


Celebrating Natalia's time in the lab (2019)

Natalia's going away party

Left to right standing in back: Lucas, Jab, Natalia, Ted, Beth
Left to right sitting on sofa: Vic, Sarah, Ritam
Left to right kneeling in front: Rhia and Sammy the dog


2018 Oktoberfest in Frankenmuth, Michigan

Oktoberfest 2018

Left image: Melissa and Sarah playing a game of giant Connect Four
Right image: Posing in front of the giant beer steins
Left to right: Ritam, Kevin, Frankie, Rhia, Ted, Melissa, and Sarah


2018 lab outing: Berry Lake 

Boating on Ted’s family’s lake 2018

Ted, Natalia, and Rhia

Left image: Enjoying an evening boat ride:
Front row: Kate and Natalia;
Middle row: Vic and Ed;
Back row: Ted, Julie, and Lizzie

Right image: Ted, Rhia, and Natalia sitting in the lake
at Ted's family's house




MMG Post-Doc Association Tailgate: Group Photo (2018)

Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Post Doc Association tailgate group photo, 2018

Friends and family of MMG Post-doc tailgate

Microbology and Molecular Genetics Post Doc Association tailgate 2018

Enjoying the MMG PDA tailgate (2018)


ASM Microbe Conference in Atlanta, GA (2018)

Natalia at 2018 American Society for Microbiology conference






DiRita lab representatives at ASM Microbe Conference in Atlanta, GA (2018);
Image to the right: Natalia with Vic at her poster;
Bottom left image: Ritam with Vic at his poster;
Bottom right image: Lucas with Vic at his poster




Ritam at 2018 ASMLucas at 2018 ASM

Group dinner after American Society for Microbiology conference

Conference attendees relaxing at an informal dinner after ASM conference (2018);
Left to right: Lucas, Laura, Natalia, and Ritam



Midwest Vibrio Summit at Indiana University (2018)

Ted at 2018 Midwest Vibrio SummitLucas at 2018 Midwest Vibrio Summit


DiRita lab representatives at the
Midwest Vibrio Summit at Indiana University (2018);
Left image: Ted presenting a talk about how
Vibrio cholerae interacts with mucin
(image courtesy of Chris Waters);
Right image: Lucas presenting his poster about
TcpH domains that inhibit TcpP proteolysis







2018 Michigan State University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF)

University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF) 2018

DiRita lab undergraduates presenting their posters at MSU UURAF (2018)
left to right: Ben, Alyssa, Joe


DiRita lab Christmas (2017)

DiRita lab Christmas party 2017

Back row (on the stairs): Alyssa, Natalia, Rhia, Joe
Front row: Ted, Cameron, Philip, Vic, Shaun, Ritam, Nils



2017 MSU MMG tailgate

DiRita lab at 2017 Michigan State University Microbiology and Molecular Genetics departmental tailgate


DiRita lab at the MSU MMG tailgate;
Back row: Lucas, Vic, JJ, Nils, Ted
Front row: Joe, Natalia, Rhia, Shaun



Grillmaster Phil at the Michigan State University Microbiology and Molecular Genetics departmental tailgate
Grill-master Phil cooking chicken wings for the MSU MMG tailgate

Washer toss game at Michigan State University Microbiology and Molecular Genetics departmental tailgate
Matt and Josh playing washer toss at the MSU MMG tailgate while Phil officiates


2017 Michigan ASM Fall meeting

MSU representatives at the 2017 Michigan branch of the American Society for Microbiology conference

MSU representatives at Michigan ASM Fall meeting (2017);
Included are members of the DiRita, Dufour, Hammer, and Kroos labs of Michigan State University


ASM Microbe Conference in New Orleans (2017)

Vic and Ted at the 2017 American Society for Microbiology Microbe conference collage
Collage of Vic and Ted at ASM Microbe Conference in New Orleans (2017)



Melissa's going away snack time

Celebrating with Melissa (2017);
front row to back: Ritam, Melissa;
Natalia, Joe;
Rhia, Kate, Lucas;
Vic, Ted


Science Festival at Michigan State University (2017)

Setting up for the 2017 Science Festival

Science Festival demonstrations 2017

Left image: (left to right) Jeff, Ben, Laura, Geoff getting everything set up for their demonstrations
Right image: Presenters demonstrating various topics to the public


MSU UURAF (2017)

Shaun and his poster at 2017 University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF)

Ben and his poster at 2017 University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF)


 Left image: Shaun at his poster for MSU UURAF (2017)

Right image: Ben at his poster for MSU
UURAF (2017)



Mi-ASM Conference (2017)

Lab group at 2017 Michigan branch of the American Society for Microbiology conference

DiRita Lab at Mi-ASM (2017);
back row: Vic, Ted, Shaun, Lucas;
front row: Ritam, Natalia, Rhia, Joe 

Ritam at 2017 Michigan branch of the American Society for Microbiology conference

Joe and his poster at 2017 Michigan branch of the American Society for Microbiology conference



Left image: Ritam at his poster at Mi-ASM (2017)

Right image: Joe at his poster at Mi-ASM (2017)





2016 Lab Christmas party

DiRita Lab Christmas (2016);
back row: Vic, Shaun, Ted, Ben;
middle row: Lucas, Natalia, Cole, Melissa, Rhia, Ritam, Alicia;
front row (sitting): Joe, Alex, Marisa



Joint University of Michigan-Michigan State University Microbiology Retreat (2016)

DiRita lab representatives at 2016 microbiology retreat

2016 microbiology retreat group photo

Left image: Representatives from the DiRita lab at the joint microbiology retreat;
left to right: Vic, Ted, Natalia, Rhia

Right image: Posing at Gull Lake before leaving the joint microbiology retreat;
left to right: Pallavi (Manning lab), Rhia (DiRita lab), Alessandra (Waters lab), Natalia (DiRita lab), Phil (Hammer lab)




DiRita and Waters lab at 2016 Midwest Microbial Pathogenesis Conference (MMPC)

DiRita and Waters labs group photo at MMPC (2016);
back row (left to right): Ted, Michael, Geoff, Nico;
front row (left to right): Rhia, Natalia, Dulce


MMG Post-Doc Association Tailgate (2016)

2016 Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Post Doc Association tailgate

Grillmaster Phil 2016


Left image: Group Photo of tailgate attendees

Right image: Grill-master Phil at the tailgate







Jessica's Ph.D. defense celebration (2016)

DiRita Lab members: old and new at Jessica's Ph.D. defense celebration

Jessica and VicLeft image: Jessica and Vic after Jessica's defense


Right photo: The gang celebrating with Jessica;
back row (left to right): Jeff, Ted, Vic, Drew, Wei Ping, Joe, Cole;
front row (left to right): Jessica, Jyl, Rhia, Natalia





JJ's going away lunch at Meat Southern BBQ and Carnivore Cuisine (2016)

JJ with the Boss Logg sandwich

JJ defeated by the Boss Logg sandwich


JJ attempted the "Ultimate Carnivore Food Challenge": eat the "Boss Logg" and Made-to-order Mac-N-Cheese in 45 minutes. If finished, you get the meal for free, a free t-shirt, a beer on the house, and your picture on the wall of fame. Twenty four minutes into the challenge and JJ is giving up. He couldn't pack it all away. Alas, next time, JJ, next time!


Left image: The "Boss Logg" at the start of the challenge.
Right image: The remnants of JJ's "Boss Logg" and Mac-N-Cheese.



Lea's going away party

Lea's going away party (2016);
left to right: Natalia, Rhia, Ted, Lea, Marisa, Shaun


Lab group at 2016 graduation lunch

Lab group photo at Morgan and Marisa's graduation lunch (2016);
back row (left to right): Ted, Vic, JJ, Shaun;
front row (left to right): Natalia, Rhia, Morgan, Marisa, Alex



Lab group in 2016

Lab group photo (2016);
back row (left to right): JJ, Vic, Ted;
front row (left to right): Lea, Natalia, Morgan, Marisa, Rhia



DiRita Lab at the 2015 Michigan branch of the American Society for Microbiology conference

Lab group photo at MiASM (2015);
back row (left to right): Rhia, Patrick, JJ, Vic;
front row (left to right): Marisa, Jessica, Morgan